If you are not sure what program or university to apply to, don’t stress! Studying abroad is a very big choice that you will make and will be one of your most memorable experiences of your life! Contact us and talk to one of our consultants and we will guide you the right way!
Regardless of whether you wish to study in the UK, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand, CASA will help you throughout the whole process to make this as easy and stress free as can be!
With CASA’s easy to fill out application form, all you need to do is send us some of your personal details along with your prefered program preference and you will be on your way! CASA Scholar’s will email you with the respective application package and will be there to guide you throughout the application process!
CASA will also be holding information sessions throughout Canada at your local universities to ensure you have the best experience possible!
Once you receive the application package from CASA, from there, prospective students can fill out any of the forms that are required for their program choice. These forms can then be emailed or mailed out to any of our Canadian locations! From there on, any required documents can also be mailed out to our locations and CASA Scholars will send these directly to the schools!